Fundraise with precision

All investor metrics, generated in an hour.

Gilion Platform

Your investor data room

Impress & attract investors

Investor-ready metrics

Automatically compile and showcase your startup’s essential metrics in a professional data room

Show the right metrics

Build your data-decks

Create investor-ready pitch decks with just a few clicks—perfect for sharing internally or externally.

Stand out in the market

Benchmark your performance

Compare your startup’s metrics against industry leaders & show your position in the market.

Growth metrics out-of-the-box

Get the metrics setup of the top-performing SaaS, Ecoms and Apps

Play around with forecasted scenarios

Use machine learning to quickly
generate and compare routes

Is your growth good or bad?

Put your performance in context with real-time benchmarks.

Companies running their business on Gilion

Gilion has helped numerous successful companies across Europe.

More data, flowing in realtime, processed by advanced AI-models – allows for a more accurate view on risk in early stage. Read about the entrepreneurs who leveraged Gilion for their growth below.

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