Series B Funding

Series B funding: What it is and how it works for startups

Series B funding is the second stage of investment for a startup company. It typically follows on from a successful Series A round, and is used to further grow the business.

series b funding

One of the key things to remember with Series B funding is that it's often used to scale up the business after your previous Series A. This means that you'll need to have a clear plan for how you're going to use the additional funding to grow your company.

If you're looking to secure Series B funding for your startup or business, there are a few things you'll need to do. First, you'll need to have a clear and concise pitch that demonstrates how your company is ready to scale up. This should include detailed financial projections and a solid plan for using the funding to grow your business. Additionally, you'll need to build up a strong track record of success, with solid metrics to show investors.

Finally, you'll need to develop relationships with potential investors and get them excited about your company's potential. If you can do all of these things, you'll be in a strong position to secure the funding you need.Series B funding can be a great way to take your startup to the next level. But it's important to remember that it's not easy money. You'll need to have a strong plan and track record to secure the funding, and you'll need to use it wisely to ensure that your company continues to grow. But if you do all of these things, you'll be well on your way to success.

How to raise a Series B

Scaling up a startup requires significant investment, and this usually comes in the form of a series B round of funding. The process of raising a series B can be complex and time-consuming, so it's important to be prepared.

First, you'll need to put together a strong team of investors. This team should include both experienced venture capitalists and angels who are familiar with your industry. Next, you'll need to create a pitch deck that covers all the basics of your business, including your financials, your traction to date, and your plans for growth. Once you've assembled your team and your deck, you'll need to start reaching out to potential investors. This process can take months, so it's important to be patient and persistent. If done correctly, raising a series B can help you take your startup to the next level.

What to consider before starting a Series B fundraising

Any company that's considering a Series B fundraising campaign needs to carefully weigh a number of factors before moving forward.

Have a trackrecord

First and foremost, they need to ensure that they're actually ready to scale up their operations. without being able to effectively grow, a company will have a hard time justifying a larger round of funding to investors.

A clear strategy moving ahead

The management team needs to be confident in their ability to execute on their plans and deliver results. They'll need to have a solid track record of success to convince potential investors that they're worth backing.

Be clear on what you will do with the funding

The company should have a clear vision for how they'll use the additional funds to drive growth. If they can't articulate how the money will be used to fuel expansion, it'll be difficult to convince investors to part with their cash. Be also prepared with a clear vision and proven metrics in your investor data room (IDR).

By taking the time to consider these factors beforehand, a company will be in a much better position to succeed when they launch their Series B campaign.

a list of stages of startup funding where series b is highlighted with blue pen

The key metrics investors usually look at in a Series B

When a startup company is seeking to raise funds from investors, there are a number of key metrics that potential investors will look at in order to assess the business. Some of the most important metrics include the company's revenue and growth rate, profitability, burn rate, unit economics and total addressable market.

Investors will also want to see a clear path to profitability and evidence of strong customer demand. In addition, they will pay close attention to the quality of the management team and the strength of the company's competitive position. By understanding these key metrics, startups can increases their chances of successfully raising capital in a Series B fundraising round.

Growth rate

A startup is a company or organization in its early stages, typically characterized by high uncertainty and risk. A startup's growth rate is the rate at which it is adding new customers and revenue. A startup's growth rate is critical to its success; if a startup cannot grow quickly enough to achieve profitability, it will often fail. There are a number of factors that can affect a startup's growth rate, including the quality of its product or service, the size of its market, and the effectiveness of its marketing efforts. Achieving strong growth can be difficult, but it is essential for startups that want to survive and thrive in the long term.


A profitable startup has a sustainable business model that generates revenue and covers its costs. This allows the startup to grow and scale its operations. In addition, profitability provides the startup with the resources it needs to invest in new products and services. As a result, profitability is essential for any startup that wants to be successful in the long term.

Burn rate

A startup's burn rate is the rate at which it is spending money. More specifically, it is the amount of cash that a startup is spending each month, divided by its monthly revenue. A high burn rate can be a sign that a startup is in trouble, as it may be indicative of a lack of funding or an unsuccessful business model. On the other hand, a high burn rate can also be a sign of a thriving startup that is rapidly growing and investing in its future. In either case, it is important for startups to closely monitor their burn rate and make sure that they are not spending more than they can afford.

Total addressable market

A company's total addressable market (TAM) is the estimated revenue opportunity from all current and potential customers for a particular product or service. The total addressable market is important for businesses to understand because it provides a top-level view of the opportunity for growth. When estimating TAM, businesses typically start with the number of potential customers in their target market, then adjust that number based on factors like customer need, willingness to pay, and competition. Although estimating TAM can be complex, it's an important part of business planning because it can help companies set realistic sales goals and make informed decisions about product development and marketing.

Things to do during and after your Series B fundraise

If you're a startup that's just raised a Series B round of funding, congratulations! You've achieved a major milestone. But the work isn't over yet. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you scale up your business:

1. Don't let the competition get ahead of you. Now that you have more capital, it's important to use it wisely to stay ahead of the competition. Whether it's investing in new technology or hiring key personnel, make sure you're making strategic decisions that will help you maintain your position as a market leader.

2. Don't get complacent. Just because you've raised more money doesn't mean you can relax. If anything, you need to be working harder than ever to ensure that your business is successful. Keep your eye on the prize and don't let up until you've reached your goals.

3. Stay focused. It can be easy to get sidetracked when there's more money coming in, but it's important to stay focused on your core objectives. Keep your team focused and aligned with the company's mission, and don't let distractions take away from what's most important.

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Common questions on Series B funding

When is the right time to seek Series B funding?

The right time to seek series B funding will vary from business to business, but there are a few general indicators that it may be time to start thinking about it. Firstly, if your business is growing rapidly and you need more capital to sustain that growth, it may be time to consider seeking more funding.

Secondly, if you have a solid track record of profitability and you're looking to scale up your operations, series B funding could give you the boost you need.

Finally, if you're planning to enter into new markets or launch new products, series B funding could give you the resources you need to make those plans a reality. If any of these factors apply to your business, it may be time to start thinking about seeking series B funding.

What are some of the things a business should do before seeking series B funding?

There are a few things that businesses should do before seeking series B funding. Firstly, they should make sure that they have a solid track record of profitability and growth. Secondly, they should have a clear plan for how they will use the additional capital to scale their operations. Finally, they should be prepared to answer tough questions from potential investors about their business model and plans for growth. By doing these things, businesses can increase their chances of success when seeking series B funding.

Once a startup has secured Series B funding, what are the next steps?

There are a few things that startups should do after securing Series B funding. Firstly, they should use the additional capital to scale their operations and grow their business. Secondly, they should continue to focus on profitability and making sure that their business is successful. Finally, they should keep their eye on the competition and make sure that they don't fall behind. By following these steps, startups can ensure that they make the most of their Series B funding and continue to grow and thrive.