Case in point: Recare
Recare is on a mission to reshape discharge management and make hospitals save valuable time and money by using technology and innovation to empower the healthcare professionals to focus on what really matters: patient care.

Meet the digital discharge pioneer in German Healthcare
When we started Recare, discharge management in Germany was an analog black box with individual procedures for organizing suitable aftercare. Today, through our marketplace, we're reshaping healthcare dynamics and leveraging technology to make processes faster and more secure; freeing up healthcare pros to focus on patients, not paperwork.
Patients helped
> 400k
Hospitals supported
Connected aftercare providers
The ambition is 80% market penetration by 2025
Recare continues to focus on the introduction of its digital discharge management solutions and aims to reach 80% of all available hospital beds in Germany under contract by 2025.
The bold undertaking to improve patient aftercare processes comes at a crucial moment in the digital transformation of the German healthcare system. Aiding the final phase of the implementation of the Hospital Future Act (Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz/KHZG), which obliges hospitals to digitize and thus improve their efficiency, making the penetration of the discharge management market a top priority.

Connecting all
Recare has quickly become one of the leading platforms for digital discharge management in Germany, acting as a neutral marketplace, and giving hospitals the opportunity to easier and more efficiently find care providers for their patients with aftercare needs.
With the acquisition of the biggest former competitor in 2023, Recare’s marketplace will grow to 700 acute hospitals, 650 rehabilitation clinics as well as 24.000 further care providers, medical suppliers and home care companies. More than 400.000 patients have already benefited from faster aftercare thanks to their platform.

A funding strategy fit for a digital renaissance
From the start, Recare decided on an alternative approach to the traditional VC route and only partnered with investors with experience and expertise in the German health system. Resulting in a crystal clear focus on the mission at hand and setting the company up for longevity.

Non-dilutive capital is often the cheapest – as long as you’re set up to carry it.
In our early stages, we made a deliberate choice to collaborate only with investors who deeply understood our industry and the obstacles we faced. As our Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) soared, we recognized the value of non-dilutive funding alongside venture capital. Now, as we embark on our next chapter, I'm thrilled to partner with Gilion to access the Growth Loan.